
Biofertilizer >> bioAktiva


bioAktiva is a customized multi-culture powder product of beneficial microorganisms selected from a group of ten synergistic microorganism. When applied to the soil, it helps in nitrogen fixation, phosphate solubilisation, potash mobilisation, growth promotion, biocontrol and immunity development.

Features bioAktiva, Wetable Powder
Culture Azotobacter chroococcum/ Azospirillum brasilense/ Rhizobium/ Bacillus polymyxa/ B. megaterium/ B. subtilis/ Psudomonas putida/ P. fluorescens/ Trichoderma harzianum/ T. viride/ Fructuria spp
Viable cell count CFU > 1x 108 cell / gm
Contamination <1x102 cell / gm
Moisture 15 to 18%
Carrier Inert Powder 80 to 84%
Dosage 1 to 2 kg per acre (2.5 kg to 5 kg per ha)
Application Soil Treatment
Available Pack 500 gm, 1 kg, 5 kg and 10 kg


  • High CFU of each strain in the product; more than 108 /gm.

  • Unique aqueous suspension formulation for high stability and longer shelf life.

  • No contamination growth during product storage.

  • Organic surfactant used, works as sticker and spreader during spraying.

  • Better dispersion of product at the time of use.

  • Increases the nutritional value of produce.

  • Improves size of grain, fruits and vegetables.


Suitable for all crops including plantation crops.

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